Jefferson Statue

Gift & Estate Planning
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Charitable Bequest

A charitable bequest is one of the easiest and most flexible ways that you can leave a gift to Hillsdale College that will make a lasting impact.

Charitable Bequest
Donor's Family
Charity image

Benefits of a bequest

  • Completely revocable until you pass away - you can change your mind at any time
  • No upfront commitment of assets required
  • Estate tax deduction if you do pass away without revoking this gift to Hillsdale College
  • Ability to establish your personal legacy to freedom for future generations

How a bequest works

With the help of an attorney, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift to be made to family, friends or Hillsdale College as part of your estate plan, or you can make a bequest using a beneficiary designation form.

Here are some of the ways to leave a bequest to Hillsdale College

A bequest may be made in several ways

  • Percentage bequest - make a gift of a percentage of your estate
  • Specific bequest - make a gift of a specific dollar amount or a specific asset
  • Residual bequest - make a gift from the balance or residue of your estate
Click here to review sample bequest language.

Contact us

If you have any questions about leaving a bequest to us, please contact us. In addition to establishing your lasting legacy to freedom at Hillsdale College, a gift by bequest allows to continue to use the asset during your lifetime. You also have the ability to revoke or change your bequest at any time while you are living. We would like to thank you for your gift.

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